Fox Project

THE CHALLENGE: Don’t Crash My Drone

Create an app that will enable small drone operators to know more about specific weather parameters, local terrain and no fly zones within a five-mile radius of their GPS location.


Fox es un dron terrestre autónomo, que sirve para poder identificar obstáculos y además conocer datos ambientales también conocer coordenadas geográficas, estos datos serán enviados a una aplicación que nos permitirá poner funcionamiento a nuestros propios drones sin ningún riesgo.

Fox is an autonomous land drone, used to identify obstacles and further provides environmental data also known geographic coordinates, these data will be sent to an application that will allow us to put our own drones operation without risk.

Resources Used
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Kinect xBox 360
  • 3D Printer
  • 6 Dc. Motors
  • Anemometro
  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity sensor
  • Accelerometer
  • H brigde
  • Pi camera
  • R.O.S.
  • Solar panel
  • Tesla`s bobine
  • Ultrasonic sensor
  • Ion-Litium battery
Made inCochabamba Bolivia
from the minds of