Sea Ice App

Global Nominee

Sea Ice App received a Global Nomination.


To develop app that enables these hunters to make scientifically informed decisions that reduce their vulnerability to environmental hazards. This tool will:

  • Create a local record of climate change;
  • Draw attention to problems in the community related to climate change;
  • Increase cross-cultural communication among scientists and the community; and
  • Support efforts of language revitalization and transfer of intergenerational knowledge.

The project aims to solve the challenge using intuitive techniques by developing a mobile app.

according to sea ice level and provide information to hunters on the dangers when they will be hunting.

With the simple and detailed versions of input, user and scientists can decide whether they want to submit detailed information including temperature, wind speed and direction. In simple mode the user will be able to submit simple input such as a picture sound recording, GPS ordinates and specify whether this augurs well with them or not in a quick way.The Scientists can observe movement trends based on the data submitted.

Resources Used

MIT App inventor

Weather Underground API and Maps

Google Earth and Maps

NSDIC - Sea ice data


Made inMombasa Kenya
from the minds of
How they did it