Space Recreation Game

THE CHALLENGE: Space Recreation
Journey to Mars

There is a great deal of interest from national space agencies to go to the Moon and Mars. ESA wants to go to the Moon and establish a village there. NASA wants to go to Mars. Astronauts and Cosmonauts from all over the world are already living aboard the ISS. What can they do in their free time? It can’t be all about reading books or game play on computers. Think of new sports or games that could take into account the low gravity (e.g. a space lacrosse game, extreme basketball). What about real or virtual experiences involving the Apollo 11 landing site on the Moon? Or following the paths of Sojourner, Spirit or Curiosity on Mars using a form of cross-country skiing? Think of new ways for to astronauts to use their free time. To present your results develop an app that makes use of virtual reality tools.


We developed an Unique and enjoyable game for the space travelers and the Astronauts, which is nicely playable in microgravity and helpful for physical health of the astronauts.

It's a two player game. In this game one player throw a volleyball type ball to the other player. The other player hit the ball by his head. We placed a piezoelectric sensor on the astronaut’s safety helmet . The sensor is used to measure the hitting position and pressure when one player hit the ball by his head.

On the basis of the measured value of the hitting position and pressure the Sensor Controller generate a score. The score value transmitted by using a RF transmitter to the RF receiver & Signal processing Unit. Signal processing Unit Process the score value. Finally by using a Scoreboard the scores of the each player's shown. Each over completed by playing six balls and round completed by predefined no of overs.If at the first round the player 1 throw the balls then the 2nd round the player 2 throw the balls.
At the next part of the Signal processing Unit we are using serial communication to display the score by using desktop monitor. To do that we are using Processing programming language.

The game is fully suitable in the microgravity condition, Less space is required in the microgravity environment, the game is very enjoyable. Actually the game is the enjoyable version of physical exercise.

We innovate a new and unique game for the astronauts to pass enjoyable leisure time, which is helpful for their health.

Taking conventional physical exercise is boring but our interactive game is enjoyable.Both has similar positive impacts for astronauts health. Therefore the astronauts daily common physical exercise can be replaced by our enjoyable “Space Recreation Game”.

After taking conventional physical exercise the astronauts fell tired. But our enjoyable game refresh their mind and release mental and physical pressure .

We innovate an automatic score and game management system. So, no umpiring andmanual score management system is required to play our “Space Recreation Game”.

Resources Used
Made inDhaka Bangladesh
from the minds of
How they did it