Why Crash my Drone

THE CHALLENGE: Don’t Crash My Drone

Create an app that will enable small drone operators to know more about specific weather parameters, local terrain and no fly zones within a five-mile radius of their GPS location.


I create a Drone app and used its features. When the Drone is fly then its check the nearest area of no fly zone using GPS ,AGPS, add automatic Sensor for the any hurdles like trees, buildings and any other nearest flying of any other flyers and other airs lines routs. Check the weather condition in flying area.

When my Drone is going to fly then I set the all nearest area information in Drone memory. And add the weather detector in Drone and app if the weather condition is very bad during flying then give the alarm for the weather condition is very bad in nearest five miles. When my Drone is going to any restricted areas like army and other no flying zone then I receive the warning this is no fly Zone and I set the maximum flying height of Drone for no deducting the any radar’s, I add the high level camera and sensor for the checking the 360 Degree area coverage and check the any hurdles if any hurdles is come like trees, wires and towers then its automatic change his rout.

Made inIslamabad Pakistan
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