Air Check


Develop an app or platform to crowd-source information for comparing changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, relative humidity, air pollution, with occurrence of symptoms of allergies and respiratory diseases. Create tools for public entry and grading of symptoms, including but not limited to cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes; and geographic mapping of symptom frequency and intensity. Create a platform for comparison of symptom map with NASA provided data, with visualization options for web and/or smart phone.


This application allows users to check the air quality and weather conditions of any major city in the US, based on government and other organizational data and live data submitted by other users living in that particular city. Future goals for this project will allow tracking of correlations between user-entered data in the database and weather and air quality data.

Resources Used

This is achieved through synthesising data from OpenWeather API, AirNow API and tools such as the Leaflet Library and the D3 Library.
User data is currently mocked using a sequelized database.

Made inHonolulu, HI USA
from the minds of
How they did it