Air Guardian


Develop an app or platform to crowd-source information for comparing changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, relative humidity, air pollution, with occurrence of symptoms of allergies and respiratory diseases. Create tools for public entry and grading of symptoms, including but not limited to cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes; and geographic mapping of symptom frequency and intensity. Create a platform for comparison of symptom map with NASA provided data, with visualization options for web and/or smart phone.


For Environmental institutions who are troubled in gathering respiratory symptoms information from the citizen to be able to study those symptoms against the Air Quality Index in order to develop real solution to health problems.

Our idea is an online platform that cross-reference measurements of the Air Quality Index with symptoms information provided by common citizen via mobile app.

Unlike actual systems we have develop a solution that will receive real-time information and constant updates thanks to user retention in exchange for benefits offered by companies interested in mobile publicity and sponsorship of health initiatives.

Our solution is integrated by an online platform that allows visualization of the information captured an a mobile app for the common citizen to upload and update daily its respiratory symptoms, exchange of points obtained and if needed quickly visualization of the Air Quality of specific city grids. Data is also collected from natural language processing of tweets, so symptoms of the people contained in tweets posted may also take into consideration.

Resources Used

Software: Bamboo Paper, Sketch app, Adobe Photoshop® and Illustrator@, Android Studio, Ruby on rails and Python.

Online application: Marvel

Made inBogota Colombia
from the minds of
How they did it