Airchecker Colombia


Develop an app or platform to crowd-source information for comparing changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, relative humidity, air pollution, with occurrence of symptoms of allergies and respiratory diseases. Create tools for public entry and grading of symptoms, including but not limited to cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes; and geographic mapping of symptom frequency and intensity. Create a platform for comparison of symptom map with NASA provided data, with visualization options for web and/or smart phone.


Airchecker Colombia, it's a mobile app and statistic services in which you could visualize and report events and symptoms about respiratory diseases. Also you will be notificated with advertences and alerts, that help you to prevent possible diseases in short and long term. In the other hand, informing people about risk zones where air quality is not suitable, all of this with the aim of decrease rates of respiratory problems.

Airchecker Colombia works through a system of geographic information which is suplied with satellital data, crowd sourcing, and CO2 absorption rate.

Resources Used

Airchecker Colombia is divided is several components:

An API service that is composed by GIBS (Global Imagery Browse Service), and data given by the users that is stored, processed and listed with a JavaScript end-to-end implementation.

An statistical analysis based on different pepers and Open Data about the effect of polluted gases on the human health and the CO2 rate absorption in different species.

Tech resources:

In this project we used cutting edge technologies, Node,js, Backbone,js and D3.js for the web platforms and Swift 2 in the iOS applicaiton.

Made inBogota Colombia
from the minds of
How they did it