Community Air


Develop an app or platform to crowd-source information for comparing changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, relative humidity, air pollution, with occurrence of symptoms of allergies and respiratory diseases. Create tools for public entry and grading of symptoms, including but not limited to cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes; and geographic mapping of symptom frequency and intensity. Create a platform for comparison of symptom map with NASA provided data, with visualization options for web and/or smart phone.


Our solution takes care of you and helps you to take care of the others!

With #CommunityAir is possible to upload user's symptoms with your location, and after that our solution will save that info with the weather conditions using data from NASA, BLUEMIX and open API's.

Furthermore, if the user has a chronic disease, the application will allow them to upload it to their profile. If there is any risk that can affect his pathology, our app sends a personal alert.

When the user doesn't have any chronic disease, but there are some other sick users around, we're going to show an alert to them.

We also show a dashboard where it's possible to see

  • Air parameters
  • Air quality and recommendations
  • Amount of risks around
  • World map with current state of other countries.

All this information is stored in our database, and could be analysed in the future by external companies/non profits organizations that could be interested on it.

The second release of our application will have artificial intelligence. Our algorithm will be trained with user's symptoms input and the weather conditions to prevent possible epidemics

#CommunityAir will have a

Resources Used

react, nodeJS, python, mongodb

Made inBuenos Aires Argentina
from the minds of