Vergee App

Global Finalist

Vergee App made it to the Global Award Finals (Top 25)

THE CHALLENGE: eMobile Pastoralism

Help pastoralist communities around the world preserve their livelihood, by providing them access to information and resources (e.g grass land, water, safe routes) to prepare and support their migration journey.

The objective of the project is to design a working prototype for a mobile application which provides pastoralists community with information on land monitoring: water availability, grassland, and assist communities in networking.


Vergee is a mobile and web base platform that makes the lives of nomad farmers easier by providing them access to information(water point, obstacle, police station,safest route, weather forecast, veterinary doctors etc) when they arrive a new area.

Resources Used

google map api

bulk sms api

Made inEnugu Nigeria
from the minds of
How they did it