
THE CHALLENGE: eMobile Pastoralism

Help pastoralist communities around the world preserve their livelihood, by providing them access to information and resources (e.g grass land, water, safe routes) to prepare and support their migration journey.

The objective of the project is to design a working prototype for a mobile application which provides pastoralists community with information on land monitoring: water availability, grassland, and assist communities in networking.


Our solution is a mobile application that has as mission to help the shepherd in every part of the world.

Basically it wants to fix some issues linked to the pastoralism, like for example how to increase the areas used to maximize the quality of this activity especially in the poor and developing countries where people are without any education and some of them are illiterates.

The idea is to help them just using symbols, pictures, colors and no words!

Anyway we thought also to the pastoralism in rich countries, that's why we split our application in two modes.

The first one is the easiest one, it helps and gives few information to the user, otherwise, the second one, the expert mode, gives more online information about weather forecast, critical events, natural disasters and cataclysms.

The last thing we add is the social aspect where the user can upload status about a places, add photos or video of events.

We hope you like this idea, and thanks to the opportunity you give us.

Resources Used
Made inRome Italy
from the minds of
How they did it