Water Management and Supply System

Global Nominee

Water Management and Supply System received a Global Nomination.

THE CHALLENGE: eMobile Pastoralism

Help pastoralist communities around the world preserve their livelihood, by providing them access to information and resources (e.g grass land, water, safe routes) to prepare and support their migration journey.

The objective of the project is to design a working prototype for a mobile application which provides pastoralists community with information on land monitoring: water availability, grassland, and assist communities in networking.


Our application project is about water management system.By using this project we can reduce the wastage of water.It will be a total project about water management system. We cannot live without water. So it is mandatory to ensure a secure platform for water management system. For this vision we have developed an internet based application.
This water management system application will mainly focused on 3 sites. Agricultural,Industrial and for public uses. For agricultural sector this application will help the farmers about supplying water. Farmers will have to send their request about desired amount of water they need via this application.After receiving request on server room the authority will investigate about the request and if granted successfully the farmer will have their water.In the industrial sector the process of supplying water will be same as agricultural system.
For public use this application will be connected to various kinds of sensors .Sensors will be connected to users water tank . It will show warning when the level of water in users tank will more than 95% or above or less than 20% or below. The application will keep the users data who will use this water . The total amount of water used from the water tank will also be shown on the application.
This total water supply system is connected to a server,water reservoir and many kinds of water refiner and purifying tools. The water tanks is connected to reservoir. The reservoir is connected to purifier and refinery tools . The refinery tools receive used water from the users and purify the water. After purification it sends water to reservoir. The reservoir is vary big and it have four partitions. First partition contain pure drinking water. The second partition contains water for common uses of people except drinking. Third partition will contain water for factories and agricultural irrigations. And the last partition contain contaminated water which cannot be purify. So contaminated water need to be eliminated . The amount of eliminated water will be replaced by the water that will be collected from underground or rain water. So the reservoir water will remain same after reusing.
This application keeps users and server data . This also maintains the communication between the server and users devices. This is a colonial system for supplying water. An authority will maintain the server. In this process users need to pay for the supply service. The price value for per unit amount of water will be different according to the water quality.The application gives information about the land and water to the server via satellite and GPS system. This application also calculates the amount of water used by the users. So this application is belongs to earth category and emobile pastoralism sub-category.

Resources Used




Cloud services

Made inRajshahi Bangladesh
from the minds of
How they did it