To develop app that enables these hunters to make scientifically informed decisions that reduce their vulnerability to environmental hazards. This tool will:
Traditional Alaskan hunting cultures rely in part on their tradition of hunting and gathering for their sustenance, often trekking over vast areas of sea-ice, where they are exposed to potential dangers. These hunters must remain constantly vigilant for changes in ice, weather, and ocean currents. Visibility can be very poor and change within seconds. Even experienced hunters can get disorientated out on the ice. Pressure ridges, cracks, and holes in the ice create hazards.
Distractions from utilizing a mobile device can limit the capability of hunters to follow a safe path and to be aware of surrounding dangers. They must be able to quickly and correctly recognize and interpret visualizations to avoid distractions from their primary task. Furthermore, extreme cold weather poses significant challenges to motor skills, limiting finger-based interactions on mobile phones. The data collection should be simplified with intuitive and responsive user interfaces.
Possible Features:
Add a GPS location + photo + audio recording;
View and customize your own map;
Download all observations;
Scales and zooms with ease;
Intuitive and user-friendly.
Data storage:
Due to unreliable internet connectivity, the app should not require mobile network access for data collection. It could use the phone’s GPS to collect entries with the phone’s camera or microphone. The data could then be synchronized when the user is connected to a wireless or mobile network.
Recommended data to be displayed:
Sea-Ice Radar
Sea-surface temperature
Sea-ice fraction
Wind speed/direction
Velocity of currents (if available)
Location of user