There is a great deal of interest from national space agencies to go to the Moon and Mars. ESA wants to go to the Moon and establish a village there. NASA wants to go to Mars. Astronauts and Cosmonauts from all over the world are already living aboard the ISS. What can they do in their free time? It can’t be all about reading books or game play on computers. Think of new sports or games that could take into account the low gravity (e.g. a space lacrosse game, extreme basketball). What about real or virtual experiences involving the Apollo 11 landing site on the Moon? Or following the paths of Sojourner, Spirit or Curiosity on Mars using a form of cross-country skiing? Think of new ways for to astronauts to use their free time. To present your results develop an app that makes use of virtual reality tools.
We believe that we as a planet play way to little and whenever we go on our travels as species we should never forget our inherent nature to play and bring that to our future space stations and colonies.
We set a path to find ways for the brave men and women in outer space to keep their bodies healthy and their minds sharp.
We created AMRU.
AMRU is an Autonomous Micromaneuverable Recreational Unit or a floating sphere fitted with lasers, voice recognition and an internet connection. AMRU knows several games like cat burglar; That is a game where the astronaut throw a bean bag identified to AMRU as the goal. Then AMRU draws a obstacle course and the objective is then for the astronaut to get to the bag without touching the lasers. AMRU knows other games like sock ball as such AMRU can draw the goals and function as a referee for when goals are scored. AMRU's can communicate with other AMRU's to create even more complex games.
AMRU also remembers state and can draw the board of active games going on not yet finished as such the astronauts can play turn based games with moms and kids back on earth.
Micro propulsion could be obtained through compressed air or tiny vaporizer jets as such AMRU only need power.