Space Extractor

THE CHALLENGE: Asteroid Mining
Solar System

Develop an approach for characterizing the composition of asteroid for mining potential and a process for mining different compositions. Explore a possible division of labor involving different types of vehicles (e.g. sensor units, drilling units, power gathering and distribution, extracted resources handling and transferring). Consider solutions for moving said asteroids between different orbits and/or consequently make periodical adjustments to keep them in place. Analyze how your idea would cope in some of the given scenarios or outline a scheme of your own.


The solution to the challenge involves several parts, listed below:
- Identification of asteroids with unknown or valuable resources through spectrometers.
- Classification of data obtained by means of an automatic learning, through artificial intelligence and neural networks.
- Redirecting asteroid into an orbit closer chosen, for example, the moon.
- Sending an aero-terrestrial unmanned robot did the asteroid, with a base module with the functions of container, energy and fuel, laboratory analysis. Our project focuses on a prototype based on arduino controlling the vehicle, drill, crane, etc and programmed for different tasks you should perform the aero-terrestrial robot on the asteroid's surface. In addition, an app android design for wireless control of it.
- Return to Earth with precious minerals.

(La solución al desafio involucra varias partes, enumeradas a continuación:
- Identificación de asteroides con recursos valiosos o desconocidos, a través de espectrometros.
- Clasificacion de los datos obtenidos por medio de un sistema de aprendizaje automático, a través de inteligencia artificial y redes neuronales.
- Redireccionamiento de los asteroides elegidos hacía una orbita cercana, por ejemplo, la luna.
- Envío de un robot aero-terrestre no tripulado hacía el asteroide, con un módulo base con las funciones de contenedor, energia y combustible, laboratorio de analisis. Nuestro projecto se enfoca en un prototipo basado en arduino que controla el vehiculo, taladro, grúa, etc y programado para las diferentes tareas que debería realizar el robot aero-terrestre en la superficie del asteroide. Además se diseño una app android para el control inalámbrico del mismo.
- Regreso a la Tierra con los preciados minerales. )

Resources Used

- Arduino hardware

- Diferents engines

- Ultrasonic sensors

- Batteries 9v

- Bridge h

- A modificated remote control car

- IDE 1.6.6

- IDE Android Studio

Made inRosario Argentina
from the minds of
How they did it