Develop an interactive app for children that uses smart phone and tablet sensory to locate the Moon (any time of the day, even below horizon), which unlocks current lunar data (phase, distance, etc), and then presents the user options for reading a "Moon" related story, view space agency photos and videos, and/or fun facts about the Moon. The goal of this challenge is edutainment and raising awareness about lunar missions around the world.
An App designed to educate children about Earth's moon. The app can locate the moon on a tablet or smart phone even if it is below the horizon by accessing the user's location. Once the moon has been found the user can access content including information about the Apollo lunar missions, interactive stories, and fun facts.
Interactive stories linked from the app
Fun fact pages added to the ap
Flight path for apollo 11 displayed as position, like the moon
Stories and fun facts now available in French and English
Agile/ Kanban for our board and stand ups (plus post its!)
AWS provides our hosting environments
HEROKU for dev environments
github hosts our code
Last years ATSATAPP was used as a model for finding astral bodies
We used twitter and facebook to crowdsource translation and stories
Google Docs for collaboration
NASA for Apollo 11 flight path data
Python Libraries: pyephem etc