StarGate 2 VR Launchpad

Space Station

Using multimedia resources found online, develop a virtual experience that would allow someone to experience a past or upcoming rocket launch as if they were observing it from a few miles away (i.e. a close, but safe distance from the launch pad). If possible, convey the impact that local/global/space weather has on a launch.


StarGate 2 VR LaunchPad is a project created for the 2016 NASA SPACE APPS competition ( for the challenge #321Liftoff ¨Launch - A Global experience¨.

It aims to solve the challenge of building a multimedia experience for the visitor to experience rocket launches around the globe.

The website also allows the visitor to experience the very first ever built VR Launches . And more to come!Stay tuned for future VR experiences built with VR engines!

Resources Used

HTML5,Javascript, Googlemaps API


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