Out-of-this-world fashion with function: clothing or accessories for earth or space wear!
Every space traveler – even the robotic ones – should feel? their very best during the journey, infused with the very best data and technology available. Earthlings can follow suit. Design a space data-tech-fashion wearable in the form of clothing or accessories that will collect or distribute data and technology in the following categories:
Design for Interconnectivity (staying more connected to team, community, and tools)
Design for Health (biometrics, physical and emotional health, and/or environmental alerts)
Design for Entertainment (sights, sounds, music, activity)
One of the problems that arises in space is data
inaccessibility for astronauts. While they work, they should receive a lot of crucial
information for their well being. To address this issue, we have created a
concept of a device which can display that crucial information directly to the
astronauts using electronics that we’ve adapted to last in space environment.
The point of this device is not only to satisfy certain needs for the astronauts, but also to encourage and inspire development of other useful technology that requires using powerful and more complex electronics.