
People's Choice Nominee

Ecommunity received a People's Choice Nomination.


Do you have an idea that doesn't fit any of the other challenges? This is the place for you, whether you want to design and develop an app, create a data visualization, hack on an Arduino... or anything else you can think of!


We are the RGBes, a team of 20 high school students who share the passion for innovation
and technology altogether with an interest towards ecology. Right now, while you're
reading this document, our planet get more and more polluted each second, and its natural
resources are exploited ruthlessly. We wanted to try to stop this, so we came up with an
idea: ECO-mmunity.
What's with that? :
We want to solve environmental problems, with our app.
How's that possible? We firmly believe that, with everyone's help, it's possible to truly
change the things. Our aim is to spread ECO-mmunity through the youngest people(6 years
old to 13), in order to teach them about how to be more ecologically sustainable, while
entertaining them, so that the population of the future will be more mature and
What's our app about?:
ECO-mmunity is essentially an app-game. The user is given the
control of a city, which must be transformed into an eco-paradise with no negative
influence to its surroundings. The player will improve his little own green heaven by playing
minigames and scoring high. Until now, there are just three of them, but we plan to get
almost 50 in the final version!
More info:
In a first moment, the user will be asked to fill out a survey, to gather some
informations about his lifestyle. Then, the app will calculate his "Eco-Score", based on his
answers, and will proceed to the generation of his city.
We will also allow mayors to contact us, so that we can recognize them a special account,
that will let them consult the information surveyed in their city zone. Thanks to this, they
will be able to see if their little citizens are doing good or if there's still more room for

website link :

Resources Used

-Apache Cordova + IONIC Framework

-Unity 3D


Made inRome Italy
from the minds of
How they did it