JetSetMars App

Global Nominee

JetSetMars App received a Global Nomination.


Have you ever wanted a rocket pack to soar amongst the sky? Now you can … on Mars… Gravity is less, atmospheric density is less, and the vistas are breathtaking. So come to Mars...

Buck Rogers aside, Mars is an interesting environment for out-of-this-world mobility options for an explorer. This challenge asks for the definition of a conceptual mobility solution to allow an astronaut to easily and rapidly explore Mars including overcoming obstacles such as cliffs, ravines and other difficult terrain. The solution should be person-portable and any means or source of propulsion be locally produced.

This challenge can be answered by:

  • producing an app to simulate your adventures in building your jet pack and flying around Mars;
  • produce an app that provides the local gravity, atmospheric conditions (density, weather, anything-else-of-interest) to help decide what is needed for your jet pack design;
  • perform a feasibility/conceptual study of an actual jet pack design that could use potential Mars fuel sources; or Design and Demonstrate a model scale jet pack using hardware.

A mobile application has been designed and developed, this app helps the Jet Pack designers to design Jet Packs that can withstand the environmental conditions at a specific destination, such as Mars, Moon and other planets. The app shows the environmental conditions for different planets, such as humidity, temperature ranges, gravity, atmospheric pressure, etc. This information is therefore used to select the materials, by looking at thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, etc, that can be used to build a jet pack which can withstand the environmental conditions of the particular destination.

The app can also provide with recommendations of the jet packs that are already designed, and therefore this can assist the designer in improving the already available design. There are links in the app which can redirect the user to the necessary YouTube videos in order to observe how the jet pack works.

A research has been done in order to determine the environmental conditions of the Moon, Mars and Earth. Materials suggested which can withstand the environmental condition of the above mentioned planets are Titanium, Aluminium, etc. A feasibility study regarding an efficient power source (can be fuel/electric source) for the jet pack is still in progress, in parallel with simulation functionality.

With about 95% of CO2 in Mars, this can be used to our advantage to form fuel for the jet pack, with the help of research and consultation of Chemical engineers/scientist and other relevant experienced professionals. Electric power source can be used for the jet pack, and incorporate the radiant energy from the sun to generate solar power. After research, simulations, analysis of results, feasibility study will be conducted to determine if a hybrid power jet pack could be used instead, of which the investigation will focus on the emission of hazardous gases, the duration of the jet pack while in operation, the distance traveled, weight among others.

This topic is very broad and many things can be discovered with the right research.

Resources Used
  • Internet, Android studio software, Computer, cellphone
Made inPretoria South Africa
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