Easy to Shepherding​

THE CHALLENGE: eMobile Pastoralism

Help pastoralist communities around the world preserve their livelihood, by providing them access to information and resources (e.g grass land, water, safe routes) to prepare and support their migration journey.

The objective of the project is to design a working prototype for a mobile application which provides pastoralists community with information on land monitoring: water availability, grassland, and assist communities in networking.


Now it's easy to find out where is water, better grass or a problem around with Easy to Shepherding. This mobile application gives to people who practices Pastoralism the key to choose where to go on an easier and safer way. Counting with NASA NDVI information, Easy to Shepherding tells you where to go according to your choice, plus it helps you to avoid different problems around your location. Just click on "locate", then "map", and then choose if you want to go for water, a grass place or find out if something dangerous can be happening around, after a click, Easy to Shepherding will guide you to the best place to find what you want on a determined perimeter.

Resources Used
Made inBuenos Aires Argentina
from the minds of