Project Solutions

in response to
Currently one of the biggest problems for the shepherds is to find potable water and green areas to their flocks already that many of these ...
This app is to help pastoralists get the information they need concerning their livestock.It also allows users (farmer's) to get relevant an...
This is a platform listing rare species. It is an application that locates endangered species biodiversity to inform, and help safeguard the...
this app is many made with an aim of improving the lives,security,accessibility to heath care for both him/her and their livestock as they g...
Earth WatchThe System tends to see geologically the full map of the area that will see the “good or bad location in fostering livestock’s”. ...
The environmental data capture robotic probe (#badboyCL) uses multiple low-cost sensors, it has four caterpillars that allow you to move in ...
Eagle Eye"Right Resources | Right Place | Right Time"A scalable future-proof solution empowering the pastoral community BY Capital...
SEE-D-RONE es un proyecto creado esencialmente para dos objetivos: • Aprovechar los terrenos y recursos que podemos encontrar en la ...
Vergee is a mobile and web base platform that makes the lives of nomad farmers easier by providing them access to information(water point, o...
Our application project is about water management system.By using this project we can reduce the wastage of water.It will be a total project...
Everyday people in Africa die of hunger. While in Africa contains about 20% of the world livestock. But huge losses of livestock create a sh...
An interface to provide weather data, maps, and economic information to world-wide pastoralist communities.
Pastora gives the tools for empowering the pastoralism communities via knowledge, with the purpose of making decisions that will improve the...
Day by day, the climate of the Earth is changing. The agriculture in some country will be badly impacted.This product will help pastoralist ...
Nomadica helps pastoralists find the safest routes available for grazing, it provides the best routes separating water areas from grass land...
AL1VE: BWS is a project, which can solve a global problem. It's purpose is to gather information about the weather conditions in a specific ...
The Problem:In the entire world are 200 millions of Nomadic Shepherds and most of them live in very hostile environment. Even if they now ve...
Develop a mobile application that helps pastoralist communities around the world to preserve their livelihoods by providing access to inform...
A hybrid app that leverages on satellite technology and SMS to solve problems that pastoralists and farmers encounter with a focal point/cas...
We the team "first ATTEMPT" with the project entitled "Pastoralism Life", trying to help the pastoralist communities to ...
Our project is to help the earth community to maintain their livelihoods.Indeed, as we very well know the conditions of human life tend to e...
We created an app that helps farmers navigate their way in unfamiliar territory for the best interest of their animals. The app shows them a...
We want to convey the information from crop selection on the land upto correct method of irrigation and increase yield production by knowing...
What is pastoralism?•Over 500 million people on the planet•Livelihood by breeding large herds (e.g. camels, lamas, yaks, sheep, goats, cattl...
Pastoralists live a nomadic life and thus have more problems in acquiring resources than ordinary people. This is especially made worse by c...
PastoraLITE is a light web app for pastoralist societies to access important information and alerts while on the move.By using globally reco...
project presentation: use the results of theanalysis from satellite image (M...
On a crée une application qui permet aux agriculteurs de consulter et gérer leurs fermes à distant .
i haven't started working on it but I will start soon. This purposal is just to give some basic idea about the problem.1. Most users don't k...
IRON SHEEP is a pastoralism oriented app, which connects shepherds from isolated communities and allows them to access to very important inf...
We decided to tackle one of the NASA challenges that has to do with planet Earth, specifically pastoral communities. If you're not familiar...
It's a excellent solution you have to select it for the best position.
We had the idea of develop a simples sistem made in node with postgis for data base, and python as server core.Using satellite imagery from ...
Due to the decreasing number of shepards it would be really important to keep them updated.Our app will allow them to share data between the...
We decided to tackle one of the NASA challenges that has to do with planet Earth, specifically pastoral communities. If you're not familiar...
Traditionally, NASA is known for looking out into space and examining problems beyond our own planet. But, let’s turn these satellites back ...
SEGUI (LORA) It is an acronym SEmantic GUI Graphic User Interface (LORA LOng RAnge).So we propose to develop an articulated project that i...
Yomad is designed to aid pastoralists and their families around the world by creating an online community that is focused on their needs. Pa...
Mobile Pastoralists struggle with many hardships, but one that is making their way of life increasingly less sustainable, is a lack of acces...
Es una aplicación para identificar animales silvestres de Guatemala.
We are Team " Combo Coder " & Our project is “PastoralismBook”.This project will help pastoralist communities around the wor...
We localized the problem and developed our application to solve the problems encountered by Ja'o, a hypothetical modern day Nigerian pastora...
We will provide a network for pastoral communities to make informed decision while migrating across rangelands in Australia. Pastoralists ...
This solution describe how we can use power of Machine learning or deep learning to assist people virtually. This application describe how ...
Pastoralistsconstitute considerable percent of the total population in the horn Africaregion. They have the highest rates of poverty and the...
Our solution is a mobile application that has as mission to help the shepherd in every part of the world.Basically it wants to fix some issu...
Biggest nomadic pastorialism community –so far– in Colombia is the Wayúu community. We aim to help people be ready for the challenges coming...
Navigation system for marine people. They sail anywhere in search of follows. Resources: marine lives, rare metal, treasure Route patterns: ...
We decided to tackle one of the NASA challenges that has to do with planet Earth, specifically pastoral communities. If you're not familiar...
Coming from a third world country, Nepal, we still have a lot of pastoral communities who earn their living based on this. To help this com...
Now it's easy to find out where is water, better grass or a problem around with Easy to Shepherding. This mobile application gives to people...
M-PASTORALISTThis is a mobile application that requires minimum data to operate. It’s aimed to making the lives of pastoral communities all ...
Pastoralists are faced with the challenge of migrating hundreds of kilometers with their herds, with limited resources. Herd Pilot aims to m...
The mobile app can be used to help Pastoralism people to move or stay suitable environment to live with livestock. Currently, we are showing...
we created an app that would help Pastoralist locate the good pace to graze their livestock. This app will enable pastoralists to check on ...
For 48 hours, we worked on an app project, this app is suppose to tell anyone using it , which kind of culture his earth be able of , this p...