
Space Station

Find a way to adapt common gym tools for a reduced gravity environment and design a workout routine that can minimize bone and muscular loss while being fun and easy to use during a long term mission. In doing so consider constraints regarding weight (equipment should weigh less than 500kg) and dimensions. Consider incorporating virtual reality to simulate a jog through an astronaut’s favorite Earth destinations or incorporate gaming to motivate users.


There is a motor which creates a reverse force on move axis.For view we can use a VR .Also we can develope an app which can control vibration machines and VR.Vibration level will change way to way.With the app astronauts can choose area(way) and difficulty of the exerciese.While doing exercise they will wear VR and with this tool they will hear sounds of the area which they choosed.It must be riding like on the world.

Made inAnkara Turkey
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