Project Solutions

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Our solution consists in: a workout machine, aVR running environment and an app for managing routines and gamifying the experience.The worko...
Space is really tough on your body! Without the force of Earth's gravity pulling on them, your muscles get weaker and your bones lose densit...
...combining the science of motivation and the fundamentals of fitness in the pursuit of the final frontier.
NASA has already addressed the problem of exercise in space, and whereas the existing solution reaches the demanded goals, the machines are ...
Utilizamos medicina natural para mitigar efectos de mareos, estrés, contagios y anemia, a través de tés de gengibre, tamarindo y valeriana. ...
Workout and fitness by mean of magnetic forces.MagneFit simulates the condition of a terrestrial gym machine but my mean of the use of magne...
Adept is not just an app, but a whole system the purpose of which is to Adapt existing exercise devices to work in the 0G conditions of spac...
This project is solving the "Astrocize" challengeOur solution is an underwear suit whichexerts mechanical loads on the astronaut's...
We have created a combination of classic Vinyasa Yoga poses and other fitness exercises, and have adapted them to a microgravity environment...
The Game of Twister (Wikipedia) is great fun but also trains flexibility and coordination.In space, astronauts can play twister in all three...
This suit provides resistance to the muscles and compression to the bones to keep astronauts healthy.For more information check our .docx re...
Today, life in space involves many techniques but also biological dificiltades to humans. Some of these problems lie in the muscle and bone ...
We want to bring the full experience of Sport Climbing to the pressurized habitat of the International Space Station (and potentially any fu...
Astronauts can use it for workout in space . With thisexercise system they do exercises all time and they are protected from losingmuscles.
We have made recommendations in the existing equipments to enhance their performance and make them more interesting. We recommend use of VR ...
Proposed work: Propose the creation of an equipment that can provide multiple muscular exercise. This prototype is based on the use of coils...
As known, physical activity in space assumes essential function, considering that microgravity at International Space Station (ISS) gives a ...
Muscular and bone workout for zero gravity.
In this challenge, this app links astronauts exercising in space with citizens exercising on the ground by placing both of them in a virtual...
We have designed an integrated exercise machine for zero gravity conditions. The solution includes training to combat muscle and bone loss a...
The purpose of our proyect is try to reversie the degenerative processes of muscle and bone loss, and back pain trough a circuit training in...
Treading water in micro-gravityH.O.S.E. is a device to exercise in a fluid without getting wet. The initial idea was to just have a tank fil...
Complete physical exercise with minimal weight and apparatus.
Problem: Astronauts have problems maintaining their reflexes, hand-eye coordination and perception of relative speed while in space.Solution...
L'idée est de créer un espace de jeu qui s'adapte à la microgravité mais encore pour eviter les relachemants musclaire
a special machine for physical exercise in microgravity environment.
Astronauts feel problem with home sickness; many research are still going on about the attributes which would help themselves to feel like e...
there's microgravity on the ISS which leads to the astronauts on there losing 10% of their bone density every 6 months and suffer from many ...
There is a motor which creates a reverse force on move axis.For view we can use a VR .Also we can develope an app which can control vibratio...
AbstractMaintaining optimal health requires attention to both diet and exercise. We are proposing a comprehensive health plan to address the...
The machine I am proposing involves two vacuum cylinders both in opposite directions which help a person to have pressure on the body whethe...
Our Solution is based on a strategic Plan that can solve the Problem of Deterioration of muscles and Bone
Maintaining a healthy and fit body among astronauts in space is very important. With good body conditions, not only tasks could be delivered...
Training muscles is very important for astronauts. However, they are using huge machines to do so because weights are way less heavy in the...
Our goal is to design gym tools specially adapted to the harsh space environment, dealing with issues such as microgravity or structural and...
The Smith machine is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It consists of a barbell that is fixed within steel rails, allowing only ...
μGYM is an innovative machine that allows astronauts to carry out all the necessary training with only one machine.
Our concept is combining two types of exercises in one.The equipment is similar as orbitrek but with some modifications. It is compact in si...
In the last 48 hours me and my team have been working on ways to find a solution for an exercise machine and in order to present our ideas b...
Our solution focused on research in this NASA sites and Internet on training challenges in space. Once identified creating a new exoskeleton...
AstrociseFind a way to adapt common gym tools for a reduced gravity environment and design a workout routine that can minimize bone and musc...
Astronauts must workout regularly once in outerspace. The machines they use so far take up too muh space in the nodes and take loads of time...
Introduction Astronauts are subjected to microgravity while in the International Space Station (ISS). The consequences of prolonged exposur...
A competitive component can also be added. Most exercise bicycles feature a screen that provides a readout of calories burned, distance, spe...
CRED Commonised Resistive Exercise DeviceA multiple exercise equipment with simple technology A set of springs replacing pneumatics for ...
Space travelers feel issue with home affliction; numerous examination are as yet going ahead about the characteristics which would grab feel...
Considering the gravity loss in Mars compared to our world , we decided to adapt and create different gym tools for Mars. Data , hand drawin...
En la estación espacial los astronautas necesitan quemar calorías, pero la falta de gravedad en la estación hace que el uso de mancuernas, b...
Our idea to face this issue consists on build a special type of equipement that joins the traditional training, executed using the tapis rou...
Sum upThe Rocket Bike Challenge is an adventure designed to go with future NASA Space Apps events !Riding bike home trainers in Space Apps l...
Basically the initial plan was to build an inversed functionality exo skeleton. Instead of aiding the user, it would resist the user's movem...
Due to the absence of gravity, astronauts need to keep their bones and muscles healthy. Astronauts exercise for 2.5 hours daily in a confine...
Because there is no force pulling the astronauts down weneed to create it, and to do so we will use elastic bands. In our so-called Space Tu...
We proposed a miniaturized ARED by that only utilizes its core principle of vacuum pistons. Hinges were added to increase the flexibility of...
Springy is a hypothetical gymnasium at space station; where all the devices and the whole workout is based on the restoring forces of spring...