Earth Explore


Collect and develop geotagged information about local ties to space and aviation to incorporate within geo-based games/web applications/tools. Many apps and programs exist that allow users to input information about a location that corresponds to the real world. Public information and historical space events could be added to the location within the program. While exploring a new region, users can learning new facts about how the community played a role in new scientific discoveries or innovations in aviation or spaceflight.


Earth Explore is an android app. With this app the user can see the map of the whole earth. By signing in with an gmail address the user can see his current location, climate,weather, disaster alert, history, disasters, contribution of the place towards modern science and a chart of all the historical places of that location. The information about a location will only unlock to the user when he is physically in that specific location. He can also see the information about the locations that he has already unlocked. He can tag photos at that location and also give comments. The user can also see other peoples' comments about that specific location. User can explore the map of that location with complete details.

This app will help unite the users who are interested in travelling. Through this app they will be able to know many information about that place, which will help to enrich their knowledge. The map and place list of the app will help the user's tour to be successful and problem free.

We hope that this app will be helpful towards the users who are interested in travelling and knowledge.

Resources Used


Weather API

Location Database

History Database

Made inRajshahi Bangladesh
from the minds of