To develop app that enables these hunters to make scientifically informed decisions that reduce their vulnerability to environmental hazards. This tool will:
‘’Blue Ice ‘’ is a solution invented to tackel the problem of sea-ice accidents in Alaska contrebuted by the melting or the breaking of ice layers.
Animals there are threated by extinction everyday .
Humans, in Alaska, are obliged to gather for their sustenance so they suffer usally from severe weather conditions .
Our solution is a hole combined system that regroup :
-Sabmarines : which are located under water , they are used to indicate ice’s thickness .
-Robots : which are on the land and equipated of capter of mesurement , of temperature , humedity and wind speed .
-Drones : which its functionality is to collect information from submarines and robots then send it to a data base, using the satellite connexion, then send the information to an android application then to a smart watch which warn human from the dangers places by sending him a sonor signal.
Blue Ice help also to producte precise and updated data to the academic weather station in order to reacte more effectivly with global warming delema .
*Mit App Inventor
*Pinnacle 19
*Arctic Ocean
* Sea and Ice Surface Temperature Dataset