Mars and Me: Realistic Game with Futuristic Buildings

THE CHALLENGE: Space Route 66
Journey to Mars

Develop a game or virtual reality experience that allows users to build and explore a futuristic spaceport. Potential utilizations that could be incorporated:

  • Horizontal and vertical launch and landing
  • Suborbital and orbital tourist facilities (hotels, crew training experiences, exploration theme park attractions)
  • On-site spacecraft manufacturing facilities
  • Processing facilities for space resources

Our game represents what could be life on Mars, if people one day decide to build a life for all the favorable conditions of the locality, where they will be able to live with people involved in the investigation and as well as for those, who want to travel to Mars and see interesting objects.

The game takes place in the near future, when mankind has acquired sufficient knowledge and skills to colonize the planet Mars. That’s why an astronauts group has sent to build the initial areas for further inhabitants, but during the expedition went in an accident, resulting that in the crew survives only one astronaut, and the necessary equipment and supplies for the construction of the city's fall in different sectors and lost.

During the game, our hero has to collect lost resources and try to create the city until the arrival of the next expedition.

When our player find all recources, automatically near him will be created a nice greenhouse, which will be unique, because there will be a garden, with trees and plants form Earth, very small synthetic river, and a dome,whith Earth's skybox, which will remind our hero about our lovely planet.

We have used data about atmosphere, sky, surface and gravitation on Mars to create our game more realistic. Buildings which we created are compact and under the bonde, so the player can pull off his spacesuit and feel himself as he is at home.

Resources Used

Unity 5.3.4
Unity Assets Store

3ds Max

Made inYerevan Armenia
from the minds of