The Velius

THE CHALLENGE: Space Route 66
Journey to Mars

Develop a game or virtual reality experience that allows users to build and explore a futuristic spaceport. Potential utilizations that could be incorporated:

  • Horizontal and vertical launch and landing
  • Suborbital and orbital tourist facilities (hotels, crew training experiences, exploration theme park attractions)
  • On-site spacecraft manufacturing facilities
  • Processing facilities for space resources

The Velius aims at developing a Route 66 for the solar system. It incorporates the Ares Space Port as the first step to this initiative. The Ares Space Port would provide a better insight towards the settlement inhabitation of the Martian surface. It will also facilitate elaborate transport procedures for the exploration of space beyond the asteroid belt. To begin with, it offers a virtual reality simulation of what a possible civilization might look like on Mars a hundred years from now.

Resources Used


Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace

Turbo Squid

Made inNew Delhi India
from the minds of
How they did it