Slice & Dice

THE CHALLENGE: Backfill My Model

Create a tool that will accept a very thin (scaled down), or "surface only" (tessellated model) and "fill in" behind the surface to a sufficient depth to allow printing on a 3-D printer.


My approach is to tackle this problem by analyzing a given '3D model' in the same way as it is used by printing software.

Every 3D printer works layer by layer. It requires a software package that takes a 3D model and converts it to layers by slicing it.

I used Ruby scripting capability of Google Sketchup Make It is freeware.

During the weekend of SpaceApps challenge, I learned how to code a Sketchup script. I have created a 'proof of concept' which analyzes the slices in 3D model to determine which walls are too thin? It then extrudes the relevant 'faces' and make the walls thicker. It takes its configuration options from user via GUI dialog.

I am confident that this technique can be extended to tackle more complex shapes. It can also be used to find and delete very small features than cannot be printed.

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