福井工業大学 (Fukui University of Technology)

福井県福井市学園3丁目6番1号 Fukui Japan

April 22, 2016 @ 10:00amApril 23, 2016 @ 5:00pm
Registration for Space Apps is Closed

NASA Space Apps Challenge の福井会場です。

NASA Space Apps Challenge とは、NASA などが提供するオープンデータを利用して、宇宙に関連したソフトウェアやハードウェアなどを2日間かけて世界で一斉に開発するイベントです。


NASA Space Apps Challenge 2016 at FUKUI venue will be held at the main campus of Fukui University of Technology (FUT) from April 23 (Sat) to April 24 (Sun). The participants can develop through the night. Let’s enjoy the hackathon!

FUT has a Satellite Ground Station with 10m parabolic dish antenna (see the right picture) at FUT’s second campus called AWARA campus. At FUKUI venue, a picnic to AWARA campus for ice breaking will be held on the first day. The scenic view of AWARA campus probably makes the participant's feeling harmonious.



10:00~10:45 オープニング
10:45~11:15 あわらキャンパス移動(バス内自己紹介)
11:15~12:00 施設説明
12:00~13:00 昼食
13:00~15:00 アイデアソン、チーム分け、発表
15:00~15:30 福井キャンパス移動
16:00~21:00 ハックタイム

21:00~9:00 フリータイム


9:00~9:15 再開(進捗確認)
9:15~16:00 ハックタイム
16:00~17:00 プレゼンテーション、人気投票
17:00~18:00 クロージング(意見交換会)

First day

10:00~10:45 Opening at main campus
10:45~11:15 Transfer to AWARA campus by bus (self-introduction time)
11:15~12:00 Introduction of Satellite Ground Station at AWARA campus
12:00~13:00 Lunch time
13:00~15:00 Ideathon
15:00~15:30 Back to main campus
16:00~21:00 Hack-Time

21:00~09:00 Free-Time

The second day

09:00~09:15 Confirmation of progress, Resumption
09:15~16:00 Hack-Time
16:00~17:00 Presentation, Popularity vote
17:00~18:00 Closing (skull practice)

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