nHub Nigeria

3rd Floor Taen Business Complex, Opp. Former NITEL Office. Old Airport Junction. Jos, Plateau State. Nigeria. Jos Nigeria

April 22, 2016 @ 9:06amApril 24, 2016 @ 6:00pm
Registration for Space Apps is Closed

The International Space Apps Challenge is a two-day hackathon where teams of technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers and students across the globe collaborate and engage with publicly available data to design innovative solutions for global challenges. During the event, participants will organize into projects focused on solving a specific challenge for example in aeronautics, earth, Journey to mars or solar system, space station, and technology. Be part of the best collective intelligence experience, through our open innovation event.
This year, nHub Nigeria will be hosting the space apps challenge in Jos - Nigeria, and we are inviting you all to come so we can find solutions for global challenges.

Event Information
Solutions Made Here
This solution uses computer vision to detect the presence, common morphology and closeness of asteroids to the earth, taking the earth's pos...
Using the departure and arrival airport information as well as the flight time, we use weather APIs and airport information to run analysis ...
'Ignorance' is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding.Lack of under...
Search and rescue suit is a technology that uses sensor and led technology to assist in the location and health monitoring of Astronauts.The...
We localized the problem and developed our application to solve the problems encountered by Ja'o, a hypothetical modern day Nigerian pastora...